If you still get disc read errors after about 20 degrees of rotation, put the screw back to the 12 o'clock position and start moving the screw clockwise two degrees at a time.
It may take a while, but you will most likely find the sweet spot where your discs begin to read again. I have personally never had to move the screw more than 30 degrees, although I have heard as much as 180 degrees are needed for a modified PS2 to play backup CDRs.
8)Try a few different trouble discs before re-assembly to make sure you don’t need more fine adjustment. As well, hold the PS2 elevated in the horizontal position and make sure it reads while in this position. I have found that slightly more voltage (2-6 degrees) is needed to run discs in the horizontal position than the vertical position.
9)Turn off the PS2 and re-assemble it. If this has worked then you should keep it in either horizontal position from now on, contrary to what Sony tells you.